
Comedy/Drama, Germany 2014

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Niels Deboos has had enough. Eurobonds, bank bailouts, national bankruptcy, corruption and capitalism - Niels is fed up with the whole misery. He decides to turn his back on the Federal Republic of Germany. But without leaving the country. Supported by the prophet of doom Christian Darré, he succeeds in putting his initially crazy plan into action. With a handful of allies, he founds his own state at the gates of Berlin. With its own ministers, its own radio and questionable ideas for combating demographic change. The self-governing commune does not go unnoticed for long. In addition to pressure and anger from the outside, however, there is also seething within the community's own ranks. The showdown brings ruckus. And a surprising breakthrough. Freiland, a film about the state of the nation, which takes up the current topics of political and feature sections on political disgruntlement and the loud call for referendums in an accurate and pointed way.
88 min
FSK 12
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Moritz Laube


Moritz Laube


Aljoscha Stadelmann (Niels Deboos)

Stephan Grossmann (Mayor Rast)

Thomas Morris (Alexander Tschirsch)

Matthias Bundschuh (Christian Darre)

Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (Reporter)

Bruno Cathomas (Bernd Habegger)

Andreas Leupold (Thomas Gehrke)

Hildegard Schroedter (Steffi Bölke-Moser)

Eric Bouwer (Phillip Richter)

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16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

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