Season 2 | Episode 3

Italien, my love

Travel/Nature, Germany 2016

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Sardinia is the second largest island in Italy and is especially famous for its dream beaches. The lobster fishermen are passionate opponents of trawl nets and show how sustainable lobster fishing works. Pina Monne lives in Tinnura, near the town of Bosa. She is a muralist, an artist who paints the history of the Sardinians on the walls of houses. In the northwest of Sardinia live the unique white donkeys, which are only found on the small offshore island of Asinara. A vet regularly looks after the donkeys in the national park. Red cattle are bred on the pastures of Narbolia and Montiferru, and their milk is used to make the traditional cheese, casizolu. The herbs that grow here give the cheese its distinctive flavour. Animals and cheese have a Slow Food seal...
44 min
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Sven Voß


Mirko Michalzki

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16:9 HD, Color

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