Miniseries | Episode 5: A Reaper with the Power of Our Lord

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Book adaptation/Drama, Germany 1980

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Franz becomes re-acquainted with Eva, for whom he used to be a pimp and who feels a deep affection for him. At Max’s, Meck introduces Franz to Pums, the ringleader of an illegal enterprise. He also meets Reinhold, one of Pums’s men. Reinhold is tired of his woman, Fränze, and wants Franz to take her off his hands. Franz has her come over and makes love with her. She returns to him after she can’t find Reinhold. Reinhold then employs the same plan with his current woman, Cilly, whom Franz accommodates after getting rid of Fränze.
60 min
FSK 12
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Alfred Döblin (Novel)


Peer Raben


Günter Lamprecht (Franz Biberkopf)

Franz Buchrieser (Gottfried Meck)

Ivan Desny (Pums)

Annemarie Düringer (Cilly)

Claus Holm (Landlord)

Gottfried John (Reinhold Hoffmann)

Günther Kaufmann (Theo)

Brigitte Mira (Frau Bast)

Hanna Schygulla (Eva)

Volker Spengler (Bruno)

Original title:

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

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