Munich film chronicle

History/Short Film, Germany 1951

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Munich City Archives signature: FILM-0052. The film material shows Munich newsreels that have been edited into a film chronicle of important events in 1951. Six years after the end of the war, the snapshots impressively demonstrate the will of the people of Munich to rebuild and make a fresh start. Festive events such as the re-dedication of the tower of the Old Peter's Church or the 75th anniversary of the Munich tramway are documented, as are cleanup efforts and sporting events, a friendly soccer match between 1860 Munich in the 60,000-capacity stadium and the swimming gala in the newly built Nordbad. Cultural and charity events of the time can also be seen, as well as everyday situations, for example at the Munich zoo, Hellabrunn.
23 min

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4:3 SD, B/W

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