The victim of a shipwreck, Robinson Crusoe is forced to survive on a desert island in the company of his dog Rex and a small cat. During this long stay (twenty-eight years), he loses his faith, encounters cannibals, rescues Friday, makes him his slave and then his friend, and finally returns to his homeland. Bunuel didn't like Defoe's novel, but attracted by Robinson's character, he turned his film (his first in color) into a reflection on man alone in the face of nature, and the master-slave relationship.
The victim of a shipwreck, Robinson Crusoe is forced to survive on a desert island in the company of his dog Rex and a small cat. During this long stay (twenty-eight years), he loses his faith, encounters cannibals, rescues Friday, makes him his slave and then his friend, and finally returns to his homeland. Bunuel didn't like Defoe's novel, but attracted by Robinson's character, he turned his film (his first in color) into a reflection on man alone in the face of nature, and the master-slave relationship.