A transit point in the no man's land just outside Mexico City. Migrants from Central America find a safe haven here for a few days. Those who arrive exhausted receive a place to sleep, food and a rosary from the local priest. Always in sight is “La Bestia”, a massive freight train that the travelers jump on and that is supposed to take them to the border after weeks of travel across thousands of kilometers. Those who move on often remain for hours at the edge of the desert, hiding from the mafia or the police. Nobody knows when the next train will arrive. Many were exploited in their home country, many were displaced. There are more and more stories of those who were recently deported and are now risking their lives to return to their families in the United States. One thing is clear: the history of migration is, above all, a history of necessity.
A transit point in the no man's land just outside Mexico City. Migrants from Central America find a safe haven here for a few days. Those who arrive exhausted receive a place to sleep, food and a rosary from the local priest. Always in sight is “La Bestia”, a massive freight train that the travelers jump on and that is supposed to take them to the border after weeks of travel across thousands of kilometers. Those who move on often remain for hours at the edge of the desert, hiding from the mafia or the police. Nobody knows when the next train will arrive. Many were exploited in their home country, many were displaced. There are more and more stories of those who were recently deported and are now risking their lives to return to their families in the United States. One thing is clear: the history of migration is, above all, a history of necessity.