The Autograph

Drama/Thriller, Germany/France 1984

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The bandoneon player Daniel and the boxer Toni arrive independently from each other in a provincial town in Latin America where they are booked to perform at a folk festival. Both of them are completely apolitical but are forced by external circumstances to take a political position. Toni falls in love with the daughter of an influential attorney but has to keep his love a secret. Meanwhile, Daniel learns about the atrocities committed by the Junta from the town’s residents.
91 min
FSK 16
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Juan José Mosalini (Daniel Galvan)

Ángel del Villar (Tony Basilio Rocha)

Anna Larreta (Anna Gallo)

Hanns Zischler (Lieutenant Suarez)

Nikolaus Dutsch (Sanchez)

Georges Géret (Dr. Gallo)

Original title:

Das Autogramm

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color


FBW "especially valuable"

Age rating:

FSK 16

Audio language:
