The largest crab in the world lives on Zanzibar. It can grow to half the size of Abduli! It is the coconut crab, which can even crack the hard shell of the coconut with its claws. Awena and Abduli travel to the small island of Chapwani to see it. In addition to the giant crabs, there are also small antelopes and flying foxes. An animal adventure! And then they also discover lots of spooky graves on the island!
The largest crab in the world lives on Zanzibar. It can grow to half the size of Abduli! It is the coconut crab, which can even crack the hard shell of the coconut with its claws. Awena and Abduli travel to the small island of Chapwani to see it. In addition to the giant crabs, there are also small antelopes and flying foxes. An animal adventure! And then they also discover lots of spooky graves on the island!