The pre-school series tells the stories of the children Awena and Abduli on the island of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean.
Awena and Abduli are best friends and live on Zanzibar, an island in the Indian Ocean. Their houses are simply built from coral stones, but they are beautiful. There is a large, beautiful beach right in front of the village. Whenever they have time, they play there with their friends. Today they are building model boats and taking part in a sailing competition.
The pre-school series tells the stories of the children Awena and Abduli on the island of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean.
Awena and Abduli are best friends and live on Zanzibar, an island in the Indian Ocean. Their houses are simply built from coral stones, but they are beautiful. There is a large, beautiful beach right in front of the village. Whenever they have time, they play there with their friends. Today they are building model boats and taking part in a sailing competition.