Season 1 | Episode 1

Masterclass Christa Ludwig

Society/Music, Germany 1999

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Christa Ludwig is considered one of the most exploratory and complete vocal artists of the 20th century. Her professional singing career spanned five decades. Two public master classes, recorded at the Volkstheater in Vienna, show her working with young singers who want to succeed on the opera stage. Open, humorous and encouraging, she focuses on the dramatic truth expressed in the arias of her choice and helps them communicate this in their interpretations. Two public master classes, recorded in the Volkstheater in Vienna, show Christa Ludwig's work with young singers who want to succeed on the opera stage. In an open, humorous and encouraging way, she focuses on the dramatic truth expressed in the arias of her choice and helps the young singers to communicate this in their interpretations.
56 min
Starting at 6
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Claus Viller


Christa Ludwig

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4:3 HD, Color

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Starting at 6

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