Season 2 | Episode 4

Italien, my love

Country & People/Travel, Germany 2016

Maratea lies on the Tyrrhenian Sea, on the Gulf of Policastro. A huge statue of Christ on Monte San Biagio watches over the small town. The siblings Maria-Francesca and Andrea Bartolomeo grew up here and returned after studying far away from home. In Maratea they recently opened a shop for fresh pasta. The recipes come from their grandmother. In the Pollino National Park, Domenico Cerbino looks after old fruit and vegetable varieties, for example red aubergines, which are being cultivated again here. In the west of Basilicata lies Cilento. On the Piana del Sele plain, the "buffalo whisperer" Antonio Palmieri pampers his animals. The buffaloes are milked when they want, receive massages and listen to classical music. The mozzarella from the happy buffaloes is considered a delicacy...
43 min
Starting at 0
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Sven Voß


Mirko Michalzki

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16:9 HD, Color

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Starting at 0

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